It appears spring has finally arrived! With the arrival of the warmer months, I am also excited for some of the changes we’re making for the community this year!
For example, you may have noticed in this email or in the Facebook group, we are doing some rebranding. DBE Supportive Services come from more than just my firm so the branding for this community should reflect that.
Please be sure to contact me if you have questions about services we can provide.

New learning opportunity in 2023: Advancing Your Leadership
We are currently developing a new course that will offer opportunities for leadership growth.
Abby Young, LSCSW, will present. You may remember her from previous presentations about identifying and setting boundaries, and the Four-Part Communication Approach.
More details to come soon so keep an eye on these emails!
KDOT requesting comments on STIP amendment
The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) requests comments on an amendment to the FFY 2023-2026 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) document.
The STIP is a project specific publication that lists all KDOT administered projects, regardless of funding source, and includes projects for counties and cities as well as projects on the State Highway System. Read more.
KDOT announced Call for Projects for EV infrastructure
The Kansas Department of Transportation announces a Call for Projects for Electric Vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure projects in advance of applications being accepted for these projects across the state.
An estimated $14 million in National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula funds are available to award for DC fast charging projects along federally designated EV Charging Corridors in Kansas. Additional funding also will be available to support community charging and other EV charging projects. Read more.
How Small Businesses Can Find Safety Before the Next Bank Crisis
The collapse of two regional lenders, Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank, last month caused a ripple of panic among small businesses across the country as owners watched the news unfold and wondered whether their assets were safe — even if their deposits were not in one of the failed institutions.
Now that the panic has begun to subside, advisers are recommending that small businesses examine their accounts to determine their level of risk and protect their deposits from a future bank failure. Read more. (New York Times, requires subscription.)

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We love to celebrate good DBE news!
Email a link or short description to so that we can add it to a future newsletter.