Good morning!
I hope the back to school routines are settling in for all of your families!
This month, we’re looking for DBEs to feature in our DBE Spotlight. Recent examples include Nicolle with J&J Contractors and Cesar with S & S Rock Crushing.
If you’re interested in doing a quick Q&A and providing a couple photos, please email Bailey.
As always, please contact me if you have questions about services I can provide from Motsinger Tax and Accounting, LLC.

KDOT requesting comments on STIP ammendment
The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) requests comments on an amendment to the FFY 2023-2026 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) document. The STIP is a project specific publication that lists all KDOT administered projects, regardless of funding source, and includes projects for counties and cities as well as projects on the State Highway System. Read more here (links to PDF).
KDOT’s Cost Share Program applications being accepted
The Kansas Department of Transportation is now accepting applications for the fall 2023 round of the agency’s Cost Share Program. More than $125 million has been given to Kansas communities since the Cost Share Program’s began in 2019.
The Cost Share Program provides financial assistance to local entities for construction projects that improve safety, leverage state funds to increase total transportation investment and help both rural and urban areas of the state improve the transportation system. This is the seventh round of projects to receive funding. Read more.
U of Illinois to create center for autonomous construction research
The University of Illinois’ Grainger College of Engineering will establish a new research and development center dedicated to autonomous construction technologies with up to $8 million in funding from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, according to a press release from the university. Read more.
Commercial, institutional projects boost construction backlog
Construction backlog increased about 4.5% in July to 9.3 months due to growth in commercial and institutional activity, according to Associated Builders and Contractors analysis. The reading remains up about 6.9% over the past year. Read more.
September 2023 Business Due Dates
September 15
Q3-2023 estimated quarterly tax payments. If you pay quarterly taxes, the third quarter’s payment for 2023 is due
Partnership and multi-member LLC business tax extension deadline if your business files a calendar year Form 1065 and filed a business tax extension this year.
S corporation business tax extension deadline if your business files a calendar-year Form 1120-S and filed an extension this year. Does not apply to the owner’s personal tax return, just the business return.
Please contact me if you have any questions about these deadlines.