We have enjoyed resuming in-person events this month and are excited for what we have planned in 2023!

We would also love to go into 2023 with a sense of what information in these emails makes you most likely to think “I’m so glad I read this!” Please take this survey (survey no longer active) so we can provide the most helpful information for your business.

We look forward to receiving your feedback.

2022 Tax Season

We’re nearing the end of the 2022 tax year! It’s time to start compiling financial documents for your tax accountants. If you could use any coaching, training, or referrals, we offer a range of resources to help your business succeed. Email angela@motsingercpa.com and let’s chat about the DBE Supportive Services we can provide.


Governor Laura Kelly Announces 34 Cities Across Kansas to Receive $28M for Local Highway Improvements

FORT SCOTT – Governor Laura Kelly announced today that 34 cities across Kansas have been selected to receive a total of $28.65 million for improvements to the State Highway System located within city boundaries. The funds will be directed to preserve and improve pavement, add turn lanes, and modify intersections along essential roadways in both rural and urban areas throughout the state. Read more here.

Here’s how close KDOT is to owning necessary buildings for viaduct replacement

Of the other nine properties, KDOT remains in negotiations to buy six, has oral agreements in place to buy two that house operations of nonprofit groups and is processing paperwork to purchase one other, KDOT spokeswoman Kate Craft told The Capital-Journal. Read more here.

Let’s hear it! 📢

We love to celebrate good DBE news!

Email a link or short description to info@motsingercpa.com so that we can add it to a future newsletter.